Setting config files for the rooms, which are not in the list yet, differs from the pre-defined rooms only by the fact that in the second case the field 'Window Class' is already filled and there is the opportunity to set minimum and normal pre-determined window sizes. In other respects everything is analogous. So, set up a new configuration from scratch:
1. 'Create New Config', give the config a meaningful name (optionally), Ok.
2. 'Add New Group', create a new group, define a name (optionally), Ok.
3. 'Window type', select Custom.
4. Open in your poker room the table, for which you want to create settings. Place this table on the screen at the right place and set the desired size (manually-with mouse).
5. Press 'Grabber', sub window 'Window Details Grabber' is opened.
6. There press 'Click to Select Window' and then click on the title of window, which we are interested in (which was opened in par. 4). Grabber determines 'Title' and 'Class' and the coordinates of the window ('Location' - the coordinates of the left-upper corner, 'Size' - size).
7. In 'Grabber' press 'Copy Class' - class is copied to the 'Window Class' of our group. In 'Window Title' of group, enter the keyword for this group (such as 'Texas', 'Double' or '*' – for all the windows of certain poker room).
8. If we want to tile or cascade the windows, we need to specify sizes of windows in the fields 'Normal Size' and 'Activate Size'. Copy window sizes, defined by 'Grabber', in 'Normal Size' by clicking ‘Copy Size to Normal Size’ button, if we do not need the auto-activation, then copy the same sizes to the 'Activate Size' (‘Copy Size to Activate Size’ button). If we want to make the window resized when we move mouse on it, then we must set the size of larger window in 'Activate Size'. To do this, stretch our poker room table to the desired size and repeat paragraphs 4.5.6. (define size of activated window.)
Important: Every poker room has its own specific window sizes and the ratio of height to width. Setting incorrect size 'by guess' can not only draw windows incorrectly, but also, what is more importantly, incorrectly press the keys when auto-folding and auto-activation. So always define real sizes of windows with the help of Grabber.
9. At this stage we have all the necessary information about the group: 'Window Title', 'Window class', 'Normal Size', 'Activate Size'. It remains to set slots (same as for pre-defined poker rooms).
How to create slots for defined group.
1. 'Tile':
Select the number of monitor, the number of windows in a horizontal - 'Tables in X', the number of windows in a vertical - 'Tables in Y'. Click 'Create Tile Slots', slots will automatically calculate and will add after the selected slot (slot can be selected by clicking on it). This operation can be repeated for another monitor - new slots will be added to the already created ones.
Edit: now UPTO calculate slots correctly for any combinations of monitor (even with negative coordinates).
2. 'Cascade':
'Tables' - number of tables, 'Offset in X' - the horizontal offset, 'Offset in Y' - the vertical offset. Click 'Create Cascade Slots'. Slots are automatically calculated, taking a selected slot as the first. If you do not have a selected slot, the first slot is created in the upper left corner of the selected monitor ('Monitor'). By the way, the offset can be negative and zero (another way to specify stack of windows).
3. How to create slots of voluntary size on any place of the screen. How to copy the location of windows, which I use normally in my poker room.
Arrange all windows of your poker room on the desired places and give the sizes you want to each of them. Now, in the order in which you want windows to appear on the screen, determine coordinates and size of window with the help of Grabber (p.4.5.6). In 'Grabber' click 'Create Normal Size Slot' - a new slot (after selected) with the coordinates of this window will be created. If in 'Activate Size' is set differ size that in ‘Normal Size’, then the coordinates for the 'Activate Size Slot' will be automatically calculated. If you do not need activated size, then in Grabber click 'Create Activate Size Slot' - the same coordinates will be copied to the 'Activate Size Slot' of the current slot. So, we have created the first slot for the first window of our poker room. Repeat this procedure for all windows in the order in which we will create slots, in this order windows will appear on the monitor.
4. Slots can be added manually.
'Add Slot' creates an empty slot after selected slot, with the size set in the 'Normal Size' and 'Activate Size'. You can at Edit-box enter your values for 'Normal Size Slot' and, by clicking 'Calculate Activate Slot', calculate the coordinates for 'Activate Size Slot'.
Finally, we have set up all the slots. The desired check-boxes for groups are defined.
If you want to set up one config for several poker rooms, then click 'Add New Group' - create a second group, and for it repeat everything from step 2 up to this point.
Click 'Save Config' and 'Start Config' to start config.